Spend your Memorial Day Weekend with us! If you enjoy camping & equine activities then Rock Bottom is the place for you. For 4 days F3 Cattle Co. opens the gates of our ranch for numerous horse events, including: 2 nights Rodeo,  Pasture Team Roping, Arena Team Roping, a Ranch Rodeo, and a full Rodeo on the grass!  Witness a Pendleton style rodeo, right here in Arkansas! Don’t miss out on this exciting new addition to our event lineup.
Witness 2 days of Chuck Wagon racing as well as Pasture Bronc Riding and 4 nights of Live Entertainment at the Rock Bottom Boomtown. Rock Bottom is located in the hills of Northwest Arkansas on the winding banks of Long Creek.  Make Rock Bottom your home for this years Memorial Day weekend.

Come hit Rock Bottom with us, once you’ve hit “Rock Bottom” it’s all up from here!

Make sure to like and follow our new Facebook page.

Rock Bottom 2025






